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T & T Tree Service’s primary focus is on preserving the value of your landscape trees and shrubs. As Certified Arborists and Licensed Tree Experts, we will provide a comprehensive analysis and make appropriate recommendations for treatment against insects and diseases to improve the overall health of your trees and shrubs.

All tree service companies in New Jersey MUST BE licensed by the State to operate. T&T Tree Service Inc. has provided tree services in Bucks County PA and Hunterdon, Mercer and Somerset counties in NJ since 1986. We offer a full line of tree and shrub services to meet any residential and commercial tree care, maintenance and removal needs.

Our Services:

Spotted Lanternfly

Plant Health Care - Spotted Lantern Fly

While adults do not survive the winter, the same does not hold true for their egg masses, which are hardy enough to withstand brutal weather conditions. Those eggs hatch in late spring, revealing nymphs with black and white spots, which later change to red with white spots before maturing into the adult pictured here.

Spotted Lanternflies eat sap from plants. They prefer Ailanthus trees (tree of heaven), walnuts and grape vines as a first choice, most any other hardwood tree as a second choice.

Partnered with

New Jersey Board of Tree Experts

License NJTC768835

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture


NJ 0835A and PD 0577A


Member TCIA Voice of Tree Care
NJ Arborists ISA

NJ Arborists 152053

ISA Quality Tree Risk Assessment

Tree Risk Assessment