Stump Grinding

Stump Grinding in New Jersey

Stump Grinding Services

Stumps can be an eyesore as well as a mowing or tripping hazard. We provide a range of stump grinding services to suit your budgetary needs.

Basic service includes stump grinding between 6- 8 inches below soil grade with all shavings raked into a pile.

Additional services include:

  • Removal of shavings
  • Soil, seed and hay to regrow lawn areas
  • “Radial grinding” of surface roots (roots that extend into the lawn area above the grass height)
  • Deeper depth grinding if you are replanting at or near the same spot

Your arborist can give you a range of costs depending on your needs.

As needed, T&T contacts PA One Call and NJ Dig to have utilities marked under any circumstances where they may be a question. Remember, it’s the law!